Scientific Panel

Geoff Barnard

Dr Barnard has held Senior Lectureships at three UK Universities with a research career in the development of immunodiagnostic tests. He has written over 100 academic papers and several chapters in scientific textbooks. He is currently living and working in Israel.

Nick Cowan

Nick read Natural Sciences at Downing College, Cambridge (1969 to 1972) and holds a M.A. in Chemistry. After a P.G.Cert.Ed. at Leicester University, he taught Chemistry at Liverpool Blue Coat School for 38 years (Head of Department 1978 to 2006) before retiring in 2011.

Paul Garner

Holds an MSc in Geoscience from University College London, where he specialised in palaeobiology. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London and a member of several other scientific societies. Since 2002 Mr Garner has been a full time researcher and lecturer with Biblical Creation Ministries. His current research interests include the depositional environment of the Coconino Sandstone of the Colorado Plateau.

Tim Wells

Senior Lecturer in Neuroendocrinology at Cardiff University. Dr Wells is an internationally recognised expert in the actions of ghrelin, a recently discovered hormone produced by the stomach, and teaches hormone-related topics to undergraduate science and medical students.

N.B. The views of our scientific panel and directors are particular to the scientists and academics in question and may not represent the position of their respective institutions in every case.